– South African Insurance Quotes

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What to Look for When Comparing Insurance Quotes

Wondering if you’re comparing insurance quotes properly? We know insurance quotes are flying around like popcorn what with all the hippos and marketing going on. We get it! The South African insurance industry is competitive. Insurance companies go direct to the public, offering various benefits and types of cover to differentiate themselves from the competition.

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Everything You Need to Know About Bicycle Insurance

Cycling is a hugely popular sport, which has made cycling accessories more and more expensive as they have evolved. It should come as no surprise that taking out bicycle insurance is imperative to insure against damage or theft. Insuring all those bits and pieces also makes good sense. Children’s bikes are also becoming increasingly lavish,

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Car insurance is a must in South Africa

How Many South Africans Have Been a Victim of Car-Related Crime?

Unfortunately, hijackings and other car-related crime has become the norm for millions of South Africans across the country. If you’ve ever stood around the braai or your office water-cooler and been part of the “So and so had their phone stolen in a smash and grab yesterday” conversation, you’ll know that almost everyone is able

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