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Why is a Motor Warranty Important in South Africa?

The Importance of a Motor Warranty in Modern Vehicle Ownership

What is a Motor Warranty?

Most people are not familiar with the difference between motor warranties and a service plan. A motor warranty is an insurance policy that you take out to cover your car against any major mechanical and/or electrical breakdowns such as your engine, gearbox, steering mechanism, management system, and others. It plays a major role in financing such repairs.

Although there is often little to no difference at all when it comes to which company to select for motor warranties, know that most companies offer a range of products to choose from, all depending on the extent of cover you prefer.

Cheap is not always best and might not cover everything you need to be covered. Remember to check the excess you will need to pay should you need to make a claim. A service plan covers items such as an oil change, air filter, brake fluid, spark plugs and all those uncomplicated parts that need to be replaced due to general wear and tear.

Which Company to Choose for My Motor Warranty

SA Warranties

All products are created to give clients the type of reliable support that will offer peace of mind. Enjoy a professional industry-leading experience combined with a solid track record and high-tech systems together with an ability to see the bigger picture, which will prevent mechanical breakdown expenses.

Motor repairs are costly – investing in a service or maintenance plan will ensure you avoid the price tag of repairs. It is a no brainer to invest in mechanical and electrical component breakdown insurance; instead, consider Motor Warranties to ensure you are covered for all eventualities.

Liquid Capital

An Extended Warranty is a product that is underwritten by and insurance service provider which has been specifically created to protect vehicles against electrical or mechanical failure once the warranty of your manufacturer has expired.

The extended warranty has been created to run over a certain period of time or a certain number of kilometres driven – all depending which one comes first – and within the borders of SA.

Motor Engage

Should your car be out of the manufacturer’s warranty it is important to consider extending your warranty. This will cover your car against all mechanical repairs and major breakdowns – an expensive exercise at the very least.

Motor Engage is a trusty option that offers an easy user-friendly online form for a quote; worth considering, plus you can now choose from no fewer than five products.

To qualify for this cover your car has to be younger than fifteen years from the date of the first registration and have done less than 300,0000 km; furthermore it has to be a passenger vehicle and not used for commercial purposes or racing.

Motor Happy

Are you looking for Extended Warranties? Although Extended Warranties don’t make provision for general wear and tear of certain components and they don’t cover service and maintenance work, they do take care of certain unexpected mechanical and electrical breakdowns.

Your Extended Warranty Plan will, however, take care of major parts that include:

  • Drive pulleys, fuel systems, gearbox, engine, CV joints, prop shafts, wheel bearings, electronic ignition, cooling systems amongst others.
  • Your Extended Warranty only begins in earnest once the original manufacturer’s warranty has expired.


Motor warranties are products that have been created by Motorite to ensure that certain (costly) components of your vehicle are covered when they break down. You need never worry about those overpriced electrical failures and mechanical issues again with this insurance cover.

For those considering taking out extended Motor Warranties – don’t ponder too long. You will maximise the resale value of your motor vehicle and have peace of mind knowing you don’t have to fork out a small fortune to ensure your car is kept running at all times.

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