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Most Stolen Items on Campus

Most Stolen Items on Campus

Sure, you’re sad to see your kid go off to university. Even more so with your laptop and cell phone. This doesn’t mean you get to cancel your all risks insurance policy. In fact, you may have to pay a higher insurance premium because of the increased risk of theft. University campuses are hotspots for hormones, but also for opportunists and thieves looking for an unlocked dorm room, an open car window, and an unmanned laptop in the library. These are the most stolen items on campus for university campuses in South Africa:

1. Cash

There’s not much more liquid than cash which is why it’s so popular among thieves. It doesn’t require any resale, deconstruction for parts or a visit to Cash Crusaders. Debit cards, credit cards and cash are the most commonly stolen items on campus.

2. Cell Phones

They’re easy to conceal and have high resale value despite the imminent launch of the iPhone 5. If your child does have a smartphone, best they set up a find my phone account which can use the phone’s GPS to track and deactivate it should it come to that.

3. Laptops and iPads

In your day notebooks were books and notepads were pads, but we’ve come a long way since then. Your child no doubt has a laptop or an iPad for taking notes in class and online research. Obviously. Laptops are not as easy to conceal as phones, but they’re still high on the list of favourites because of their value and often they’re left alone in cafes and libraries.

4. Bicycles

It’s a gateway to vehicle theft. Bicycles are commonly stolen from campuses because they’re easier to steal than cars and it’s all you really need if you’re looking to get from the student centre to res in under 10 minutes.

5. Jewellery

Unlike most of the items on this list, jewellery is most commonly stolen from a dorm room and not when left alone on the counter at KFC. Don’t leave dorm rooms unlocked for no one.

6. ID Books and Student Cards

Carte Blanche would have you believe this happens a lot more than it does, but identity theft is real. ID books and student cards are used to either steal identity or get away with something much more sinister, like sneaking friends on campus.

7. Books

They may be at the bottom of the list, but they’re on the list. Books are commonly stolen because they’re insanely expensive and, come exam time, fellow students realise that they might actually need some. Don’t leave satchels unmanned either.

If you’re worried about the valuables, make sure they’re insured before allowing them out of your sight.

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