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Medical Aid Insurance
Cover from as little as R125 per month
*Non-medical expense cover as a result of hospitalisation.
** This is not a medical scheme and the cover is not the same as that of a medical scheme. This policy is not a substitute for medical scheme membership.
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Don’t Be Caught Without Medical Aid Insurance
Think smart and take out medical aid insurance for in- and out-of-hospital medical expenses. Life has a strange way of throwing curve-balls, and finding yourself at three am in the morning with a sick child or an elderly parent at a Government hospital is not for the faint of heart.
Ensure you and your family are covered by medical aid, and if not by a fully comprehensive medical aid, at least for the bare minimum. In many instances, a basic hospital plan should suffice.
If you are young and starting a family, your pregnancy can prove to be an expensive exercise. Ensure you have medical aid, and if you can afford a more comprehensive medical aid plan, it is prudent to invest in your health right from the outset.
There are many medical aids that will reward you for taking good care of your health through a variety of plans – cashing in on these benefits is a shrewd move, as it could result in excellent health enjoyed for a long period of time, adding many years to your life.
Once a baby is born, en sure your child enjoys the best there is to offer from the very beginning. Clinic visits are important, but being wise and ensuring your little one has his or her first examination by an expert paediatrician right from the get-go is advisable.
If your child is blessed with good health, you are indeed fortunate, but if there are complications both at birth and during the growing years, your medical aid will soon prove to be a soft place to fall. Elderly parents, chronic health conditions, pregnant women, little children, and anything in-between needs sufficient medical aid cover so that families are able to enjoy perfect peace of mind.
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What some of
our clients say
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