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Bidvest Legal Insurance

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Bidvest Legal Insurance

Looking for a legal angel to cover you for legal matters in South Africa? Find out what Bidvest Legal Insurance offers and if it’s worth getting.

Who is Bidvest Insurance?

A subsidiary of the Bidvest Group, based in South Africa, Bidvest Insurance offers short-term insurance solutions for both individuals and companies. Bidvest Insurance is one of the divisions within the Bidvest group.

The Bidvest Group is a South African company that is listed on the JSE. As a leading distribution, services, and trading group, they have the financial strength to support an insurance arm, namely Bidvest Insurance.

What is Bidvest Legal Insurance Cover?

Bidvest’s Legal Angel legal insurance is personal insurance designed to protect South Africans from exorbitant legal costs and claims.

Who Needs Bidvest Legal Insurance?

When you’re in an emergency situation, legal expenses can catch you off guard. Legal costs can quickly add up to large amounts, which is why getting the right cover is so important. If you want to ensure that no emergency, unexpected third-party claim, or legal matter bankrupts you, this type of cover is essential.

Any person who earns money, has dependents, is married, is employed, or has assets to protect can benefit from having get legal cover. The question is not whether you feel you will ever need a lawyer, but rather whether someone could sue you, divorce you, retrench you, or put you in jail. Since nobody can predict what will happen in the future, this cover is a smart and easy way to protect yourself from unexpected events.

How Does Legal Cover Work in South Africa?

You can get protection from legal expenses with legal insurance from an insurance company in South Africa such as Bidvest legal. To start, it’s important to compare legal insurance cover options and find cover that suits your needs. Once you have chosen a plan, you sign policy documents with the insurer.

The insurance company, in this case Bidvest Insurance, also signs the documents. You are then obligated to pay a monthly premium amount, which is detailed in the policy documents. At the same time, your legal cover kicks in as soon as you have paid your first premium.

Remember that your policy will have exclusions, waiting periods, and other terms and conditions. It’s important to familiarise yourself with these details before you settle on an insurance product.

What Are Bidvest’s Waiting Periods?

From the moment both parties have signed the agreement, your policy is active. Even so, you can only start claiming from it after the waiting period has expired. The waiting period starts when your first monthly premium has been received.

You do not have to wait at all to use their legal advice and bail assist helpline. The Bidvest legal assistance and advice line service is available to the insured 24 hours a day all year long. You may have to wait up to 6 months to get cover for other types of matters. The longest waiting period is for opposed divorce matters.

Cover Waiting Period
Ante-Nuptial Agreement 3 Months
Bail Cover 1 Month
Drafting of Wills 1 Month
Legal Advice/Bail Assist Line None
Legal Document Library 1 Month
Litigation Cover 3 Months
Mediation Services 1 Month
Opposed Divorce Matters 6 Months
Property Transfer Discounts 1 Month
Retrenchment 1 Month
Tax Assistance 1 Month

What Does Bidvest Legal Angel Cover?

Want to stop the unnecessary build-up of legal expenses in your future? Getting legal insurance today will do just that. It’s a smart way to protect yourself from unpredictable situations.

With Bidvest Insurance Limited, you can get cover for civil matters, labour matters, family matters, and criminal matters. It’s just about guaranteed that everyone will need help in at least one of these areas in their life.

South Africans no longer need to stress about being sued, facing any sort of legal action, standing up in court, or even facing unfair dismissal. Yes, the high costs of legal advice and services can seem daunting, but with Legal Angel, you can get the assistance you need. When distressing legal issues arise, you can get access to someone who will defend your legal rights.

You can get cover for yourself, your spouse, and up to five children who are younger than 21. The insurance policy highlights include:

  • Instant access to unlimited advice from legal professionals
  • Unlimited access to mediation services
  • Cover for unlimited legal matters
  • The policy includes bail cover
  • Monthly premiums start from a very low amount and are determined based on your risk profile

Bidvest Legal Benefits

Every plan comes with benefits, but they differ depending on your insurer. Bidvest legal offers an affordable price and benefits like 24h bail cover, litigation services, mediation cover, and unlimited legal advice.

Is Bidvest Legal Insurance Worth It?

In short, yes, this type of cover is worthwhile, because you get a lawyer at your fingertips without having to pay excess bills. Since resolving legal matters can become very expensive, very fast, this type of easy and affordable access to legal professionals can be a lifesaver. With legal Angel, you get instant access to legal professionals and legal specialists when you need them most at affordable prices.

Looking for Bidvest Legal Insurance quotes? Instead of trying to make contact with Bidvest and other insurance companies to compare offers, you can simply fill in the form at the top of this page. Our intelligent systems will match you with the perfect insurer for your needs, and they will contact you! 

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