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VW Car Insurance

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Car Insurance


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VW Car Insurance

From the Beetle to the Golf and everything in-between – your VW vehicle deserves unsurpassed VW Insurance cover.

Car insurance is important – there is no doubt about it. But most significantly have you ever considered getting the kind of specific cover that your particular make and brand of vehicle deserves? In other words – if you own a VW motor vehicle, have you ever thought about approaching your short term insurance company to enquire about VW Car Insurance specifically – after all, every car and motor vehicle is different and no two makes of vehicle are made identically.

For those that have never had the joy or privilege of owning a VW Beetle to take you and your myriad friends to and from university or even transport your first love to your first digs, they will never quite appreciate the fun and laughter that VW enthusiasts share.

  • VW is a German-made car brand with its headquarters based in Wolfsburg, which is located in Lower Saxony in Germany.
  • The VW factory was established in 1937 and fast became a top-seller; in addition it is one of the biggest automakers in Germany and Europe in today’s world.
  • Most interesting of all is that VW has three top ten best-sellers of all time – these include the Volkswagen Golf, the Volkswagen Beetle and the Volkswagen Passat.
  • And for those individuals that don’t know – Volkswagen means People’s Car in German.

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Here are seven good reasons when looking for short-term insurance for your VW:

  • You will enjoy peace of mind.
  • VW insurance means that you will be prepared for the unexpected.
  • VW short-term insurance will be able to cover you for accidents – whether the fault lies with you or not.
  • Theft and hijackings are common-place in South Africa (sadly) – therefore the right insurance for your brand of vehicle is important.
  • Find a car insurance that will offer you free roadside assistance as you never know when you might need help to fix a tire, tow your car or come to your rescue for numerous problems.
  • Ensure your VW car insurance is readjusted every year, as cars depreciate every year, regardless of the brand or make you drive.
  • Last but not least Volkswagen offers a motor and household insurance product designed to offer not only peace of mind but also value for money, ensuring that every single stage of your life with VW is a fuss-free one.

Once you’ve decided on which cover suits you and your VW best, you can do the fun part, live life with less anxiety and dread; VW Motor Insurance is for those that appreciate driving the very best there is on offer.

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What some of

our clients say

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