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Vodacom Insurance
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Vodacom Insurance
Who is Vodacom Insurance?
Vodacom insurance is also called VodaSure, and it forms part Vodacom South Africa, a connection and financial services provider. Their first insurance product is comprehensive cellphone insurance that covers accidental damage, loss, and theft for a monthly premium. In 2012, Vodacom Group Limited created a company licensed to provide short-term insurance and life insurance for Vodacom: Vodacom Insurance Company Limited.
How Does Vodacom Insurance Work?
You can choose to purchase a Vodacom insurance policy when you buy a device from Vodacom by filling in an application form. The insured device is usually a Vodacom device such as a laptop, cellphone, or tablet. If your device gets damaged due to an insured peril, you can then take it to a Vodacom Repair centre to get it fixed, and the policy should cover the cost.
If the device sustains water damage, you may not have a successful claim if your policy excludes this event. It’s best to check the policy schedule and read through all the exclusions in your policy to understand which events will and won’t be covered.
In return for cover of an event of loss, damage, or theft as detailed in the policy, you will be obligated to pay a monthly premium. Both you and the insurer sign the insurance agreement. Thereafter, you pay the first premium, and your cover should come into effect immediately unless there is a waiting period.
What Do They Cover?
Vodacom (Pty) Ltd offer their customers device cover, contract cover, life insurance, funeral cover, legal assistance, and healthcare services cover. They believe access to insurance products should be easy for all South Africans.
Device Cover
You can choose to get Comprehensive Cellphone Insurance or insure your tablet, phone, or laptop for accidental damage alone. They also offer a comprehensive laptop and tablet cover option.
They boast the ability to replace your phone fast – within just 2 days! Vodacom also says they have an easy claims process. Vodacom cellphone insurance is designed to go along with a Vodacom device.
Contract Cover
You can choose to add Contract Cover for your device to your policy for a small additional fee. It will cover your contract payments in the event of your death. Their cover options are designed to give you affordable options that help you in the case of an unforeseen event, such as theft or accidental liquid damage.
Vodacom Life Insurance
Customers of Vodacom (Pty Ltd can enjoy a 20% discount on their life insurance premiums when they get life cover with Vodacom. They do not require medical tests or exams and allow online applications. In the event of death of the insured, their loved ones can claim a payout from the policy.
This policy is designed for South African citizens between the ages of 18 and 64. You don’t have to be a Vodacom customer to get their life insurance. There is a 3-month waiting period before you can claim, and there are travel restrictions.
Funeral Cover by Vodacom
Aside from cover for portable devices, customers can also enjoy funeral cover that is comprehensive and affordable. They allow the option to deduct the low monthly premium from your airtime, and you can get comprehensive cover for yourself and family members.
Only Vodacom prepaid customers can qualify for this insurance. It is also created for South African citizens between the ages of 18 and 64. These are the cover options available:
- Cover 4 U gives you funeral cover benefits for only you.
- Standard Funeral Cover can cover up to 8 adults and 10 children on a single policy.
- Cover 4 U and Your Family covers yourself and your family.
Vodacom Legal Assistance
You can sign up for a legal advice line for a small monthly fee. This simple form of legal cover gives you access to expert legal advice nationwide. The VodaSure Legal Assist solution is designed to be affordable and accessible.
They offer very competitive rates, with a low monthly fee that gives you access to this service. Along with access to professional legal advice, you also get access to a legal library.
Health Services Cover
This benefit offers policyholders access to emergency medical assistance. This can include the costs of emergency assistance for roadside emergencies or accidents. This service is only available for Vodacom contract customers.
It also includes discount GP services, a medical advice line, telemedicine, and a private ambulance to the nearest medical facility. You can even get counselling from a trauma and bereavement counsellor.
Vodacom Hero Assist
Vodacom Hero Assist is available to Vodacom contract customers, giving them access to assist services to make their lives easier. The roadside assist benefit will give you access to help with sending urgent messages, refuelling, replacing a flat tyre, retrieving keys locked in the vehicle, and even mechanical or electrical breakdown.
You can get access to the services of qualified plumbers, pest controllers, beekeepers, glaziers, tree fellers, and locksmiths for at-home emergencies. Cover excludes maintenance. The Home Drive Assist benefit gives you six trips home by one of the Vodacom drivers when you need it per year. Finally, they can provide a security guard after events such as a break-in to ensure you are safe for the night.
There are so many options in the South African Insurance industry. We know it can be hard to choose the best insurer for your needs. That’s why we’ve designed a high-tech system that matches you with the ideal insurer for your needs. All you need to do is fill in the form at the top of this page, and an insurer will call you![/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/mk_page_section][mk_page_section padding_top=”30″ padding_bottom=”30″ sidebar=”sidebar-1″][vc_column][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”5677″ img_size=”full”][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″ css=”.vc_custom_1476438464870{padding-top: 40px !important;}”][vc_column_text align=”center”]
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