Youi.co.za Car and Home Insurance
So you’ve made the decision to buy a new house, or fresh out the box car and you’re feeling rather protective of these possessions you’ve worked so hard for. Who wouldn’t be? That’s why a good affordable insurance policy is so important.
You might be daunted at the idea of going through the many available insurance policies there are out there. There are so many different companies that offer you so many different products with so many features you will probably end up frazzled on where to begin. That’s why Youi.co.za is designed to offer you simple car and home insurance that you can design to best suit your requirements.
Car Insurance
You are unique and different. Youi.co.za acknowledges that clients lead different lives with needs that aren’t similar. Why should you pay for car insurance that has not considered how you live your life? You may live 5 km from work, prefer to walk and only ever use your car to go to church on Sundays.
On the other hand, you may live out of town and drive in to work every day. Youi.co.za makes sure you aren’t paying for insurance you don’t need. You get to choose whether you’d like cover ranging from acts of nature, theft, accidental damage and pay as you drive. You may even be a pro driver and prefer to pay less on monthly premiums with a higher excess. It’s not only suits that come tailor-made, with Youi.co.za, your car insurance will now come custom-fitted to suit your lifestyle and needs.
Home Insurance
You finally have your dream home and it’s everything you’ve ever wanted complete with top of the range furniture and art. Crime in South Africa has unfortunately seen some alarming statistics, according to crimestatsa.com there were about 53 000 house robberies reported in 2014. You can’t always guarantee that your home is always protected. Which is why it is imperative to get home insurance that will cover the contents of your home accurately. Houses come in different shapes and sizes; some with high walls and some with picket fences.
Why should your insurance company rob you of the opportunity to get tailored home insurance that carefully considers your home’s contents and your budget? Youi.co.za gives its clients the pleasure of choosing which type of insurance best suits their needs with cover ranging from basic low cost cover to a more extensive one covering wear and tear of pipes and water heating systems. Whether you choose to cover your home’s contents or the building itself, Youi.co.za has solutions that will put you and your wallet at ease.
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Our Clients Say
We found the perfect cover through Insurance.co.za with next to no work required on our behalf - various insurance quotes came directly to us!
De Klerks
Cape Town