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5 Bizarre Temporary Insurance Policies

5 Bizarre Temporary Insurance Policies We Can’t Believe Really Exist

Even though car insurance and short-term insurance is considered short-term (and compared to life and funeral cover, it is), these short-term insurance policies cover you for the even shorter term. Some offer cover for a couple of years and others for a single day. If you find yourself in any of these situations, you may want to consider insurance. Here are 5 Bizarre temporary insurance policies we can’t believe really exist!

5 Bizarre Temporary Insurance Policies

5. Body Part Insurance

This has been discussed on this site before, but it deserves a place on the list. Body part insurance is essentially protection against injury or loss of a body part. This is not a disability insurance policy, but covers the loss of income of a model with only one leg or an actress who gets fat. This insurance policy, although designed without a time frame, will only be needed for your 15 minutes.

4. Twin Birth Insurance

Lloyds of London, infamous for underwriting the most improbable and expensive risks, developed an insurance policy for expecting parents. Despite modern medicine, some parents are still surprised when mommy gives birth to twins. The policy pays out if the number of babies you have is higher (and thus ridiculously more expensive) than you had banked on. This cover lasts nine months.

3. Flight Insurance

This is not travelling insurance. Where travel insurance covers a cancelled flight, and lost luggage and money while you’re travelling, flight insurance covers you if you are injured in a flying accident. It covers airplanes, helicopters, hot air balloons; pretty much any mode of flight (except perhaps a parachute or hang-glider). The chances of a flying accident are pretty minimal, but you can get the cover anyway. This lasts the duration of your flight. (Although it is designed for pilots.)

2. Super Employee Cover

You’ve heard of key-man insurance policies that cover a business partner or associate crucial to running the company, but now we have star employee insurance. More often than not, one or a few employees outruns the rest and makes a fair dent in your business’s productivity. Losing this employee could cost you, so cover him or her for the duration of his or her contract.

1. Wedding Insurance

Given the extremely high costs of weddings; the venue, the food, the cake, the dress and flowers, it only makes sense to insure it. After all, it could all be lost because of two cold feet. This insurance policy covers the costs of the wedding that you can’t get back after cancelling. The cover lasts for as long as your engagement.

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