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First for Women Life Insurance

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First for Women Life Insurance

Life is full of surprises, and sometimes life can surprise us with situations that make us feel fear. Fear dares less, handles less, and stands up less. Fear confronts less, speaks out less, and lives less. But when we fear less, we turn the tide, we overcome, we live more. That is why First for Women has designed life insurance plans specifically for the women of South Africa. So we can live bold and fearless, unafraid of what the future may hold, and daring even more!

First for Women Life Insurance Products

With the 1st for Women life insurance policies, the future is not scary. Because even when you are no longer there, your family will be cared for. First for Women Life Insurance Plans can cover more than just the death of the policyholder. Dread diseases and disability can also be covered, so you do not have to worry about your family’s financial future.

All Women Dread Disease Cover

This plan is designed to protect you and your children against a wide range of diseases and illnesses. Dispel doubt and live fearless with dread disease cover. The All Women Dread Disease Plan covers:

  • Female-related cancers such as cervical and ovarian cancers, breast cancer, uterine cancer, cancer of the fallopian tubes, choriocarcinoma, cancer of the vagina, and cancer of the vulva.
  • Some childhood cancers like leukaemia, lymphoma, brain tumours, neuroblastoma, retinoblastoma, osteosarcoma, and rhabdomyosarcoma.
  • All pregnancy-related complications.
  • Accidental HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) infection during violent crime.
  • Systemic lupus.

Dread Disease Cover

The 1st for Women Dread Disease option covers you for life and will pay out a percentage of your cover when a diagnosis is made. First for Women Dread Disease is a stand-alone cover option, meaning if this benefit is paid out it will not affect your other cover.

Their dread disease cover is flexible, so you can increase your life cover if your circumstances change. If you become disabled and receive a full pay-out under your disablement benefit, premiums for your other benefits will be paid to help keep your cover active during tough times.

1st for Women Disablement Premium Waiver

Should you become disabled and the full cover amount of your disablement benefit is paid out, this benefit pays the premiums of your 1st for Women Basic, 1st for Women Elevated, and 1st for Women Dread Disease Cover, for a period of up to five years. First for Women’s got you back so you can live more and fear less.

Other First for Women Life insurance Products

  • The Expo-sure Plan
  • Disablement Cover
  • Pure Life Cover

Pure Life Cover

Pure Life Cover offers two plans: these are the Basic and Elevated plans.The Basic cover option will pay out a lump sum to your beneficiaries, and the Elevated plan pays out a larger sum. With these two options, you can choose what is best for you, your family, and your loved ones. With adequate cover, can protect those you love from the uncertainty of the future and discard fear so you can live life to the full!

What are the Benefits of First for Women Life Insurance?

  • There is no onerous paperwork. Simply apply online.
  • You can include up to ten (yes, ten) beneficiaries on your insurance policy.
  • Suicide is covered after the first two years.
  • You can include disability cover and dread disease in your policy. This will not reduce your life cover in any way at all, should you claim.
  • Your life cover will be paid out if you are terminally ill and you are not expected to live for 12 months. Under these circumstances, the policy pays out while you are still alive.
  • You will get fixed premiums for the first two years.
  • For life-changing events such as marriage or having a baby, you could qualify for an increase in your life cover without further underwriting.

Unburden your shoulders from worry and fear for your loved ones. First for Women Life Insurance can cover the unforeseen so you can live boldly and fearlessly. Take care of your loved ones when you are no longer there to do so with First for Women life insurance options – the benefits are many and the premiums affordable. Your cover will not expire, ever. Allow 1st for Women to inspire confidence in your life and take care of your partner, spouse, parents, in-laws, siblings, or children when you are no longer there.

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