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Elixi Medical Insurance & Gap Cover

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Medical Insurance & Gap Cover

From Elixi

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Who is Elixi Health?

Elixi is a relatively new medical insurance company that forms part of Talksure and has won multiple global awards. As an authorised financial services provider, they can provide insurance products to South Africans of the highest quality. This insurer offers medical aid gap cover and medical insurance to allow all South Africans access to quality healthcare.

After years of research and analysis in the South African health sector, Elixi realised South Africans needed an alternative to medical aid to help them cover medical expenses and access quality medical care. Their products are designed to be affordable and to fill the gap between medical aid and actual cost.

They have partnered with Constantia and Unity Health to offer their customers excellent insurance products and peace of mind. Their medical insurance product is not the same as medical aid. Here is how Elixi cover works when you get an insurance policy with them.

How Does Elixi Cover Work?

This financial service provider offers two types of cover, and each works in its own unique way. If you want to cover hospital expenses that aren’t covered by your medical aid, the Elixi Gap Cover plan is for you. When you get gap cover with Elixi, you will be required to pay a monthly premium amount that is detailed in the policy wording.

In return, Elixi should give you cover for hospital costs from 101% – 600%. This means that they usually cover whatever the medical aid doesn’t pay. Medical aids usually cover only up to 100% of medical professionals’ fees, even after hospital admission. But doctors and other medical service providers can charge much more than the 100% medical aid rate for medical procedures and primary care.

If your concern is medical costs for out-of-hospital procedures, private healthcare, medical emergencies, and acute medication, Elixi medical insurance can be useful to you. They offer various plans detailed below that give policyholders access to benefits and cover similar to a medical aid plan. In most cases, you can show the medical provider your membership card, and they will send claims directly to Elixi.

Elixi is not a medical scheme membership, and your cover is based on your insurance policy wording and the plan you choose. Emergency medical costs and hospital treatment can be expensive. With cover from Elixi, you won’t have to worry about the financial implications of unforeseen medical needs.

Types of Cover You Can Get with Elixi

Whether you need cover for the tariff gap between medical aid and what the hospital charged or want to supplement or cover the expensive cost of medical care, Elixi has a plan for you. While they are not a medical aid scheme, the medical insurance they offer has a list of medical treatments, hospital procedures, doctors, and other expenses covered.

When unforeseen illness or accidental medical emergencies arise, you can expect the varying plans on offer to cover the following:

Medical Insurance

All the Elixi medical insurance plans can include value-added services such as legal assistance, household assistance, and funeral cover. You can also access their 24/7 crisis helpline as an Elixi policyholder. Each policy then also gives you access to primary care and hospital cover up to amounts detailed in your policy wording.

Elixi Blue Plan

This plan offers only primary care cover and not hospital cover. Types of medical events or categories insured on this plan include maternity benefits, GP visits, acute medication, telemedicine consultations, radiology, and pathology. wellness screening such as pap smears, PSA screening, and other health screening are included in this plan. It excludes cover for optometry, chronic medication, dentistry, and specialist visits.

Elixi Purple Plan

On this plan, you can get cover for accidental death, in-patient hospital treatment for accidental events, emergency in-hospital stabilisation, physio and occupational therapists, and more. Outpatient casualty, MRI & CT scans are only covered for accidental events. You can also get access to emergency services on this plan, along with the same primary car as in the Elixi Blue plan.

Elixi Gold Plan

In addition to the cover you can get on the Purple plan, you can get extended primary care cover for all the abovementioned items except specialist visits and all the hospital care benefits up to a predetermined yearly amount.

Elixi Black Plan

The Elixi Black plan gives you a higher cover amount for your hospital care cover and covers all primary care items, including specialist visits. It is the most comprehensive plan and also the most expensive option.

Elixi Gap Cover

With Elixi, you can choose between three Gap cover options for a single insured person or a family. Plans are based on the extent of cover you desire and the size of your family, if relevant. The cover is for in-hospital costs that are detailed in your policy wording and not already covered by your medical aid. Their plans can include benefits like cover for co-payment, a casualty benefit, oncology, and more.

Do you need this invaluable cover to give you peace of mind? You can get a FREE Elixi Medical Quote by simply filling in the form at the top of this page. It’s obligation-free, and they will call you![/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/mk_page_section][mk_page_section bg_color=”#e2f1f5″ padding_top=”0″ padding_bottom=”0″ sidebar=”sidebar-1″][vc_column][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][mk_animated_columns column_height=”300″ order=”ASC” bg_color=”#e2f1f5″ bg_hover_color=”#16b7e5″ icon_size=”64″ txt_color=”#555555″ txt_hover_color=”#ffffff” btn_color=”#ffffff” btn_hover_color=”#849b03″ btn_hover_txt_color=”#ffffff” el_class=”home-cols”][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/mk_page_section]